Mama Matters Too / Sleep Training, Postpartum, Overstimulated, Christian Mom, Baby Sleep Schedule
Are you sick of feeling like you can’t show up for yourself or your kids as the mom you want to be, due to exhaustion? Do you crave time alone to fill your own cup, but can’t get it due to your children not sleeping? Are you tired of feeling dysregulated, exhausted, and overstimulated? Are you ready to be a more present and patient mother? I am so thankful you’re here, mama. This podcast will help you find more rest, joy, and peace in motherhood, by getting your baby or young kiddo to start sleeping through the night! Hey, I’m Alexa. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover who spent the first 6 months of my newborns life feeling beyond exhausted, anxious, and like a zombie just going through the motions. I wasn’t able to be a fully present mom or enjoy motherhood. Being riddled with anxiety and sleeping 3-5 hours a night just wasn’t working anymore…for me, my marriage, or my son! I was afraid to start sleep training, thinking maybe it wouldn’t work, or it would negatively affect my son’s development, or hurt our attachment. However…it did just the opposite. Sleep training changed our lives; my son was happier and well rested, my mental health slowly got better, I was able to BOND and be present with my son, and my home finally had some peace and predictability. However, I felt like my sleep training experience was missing something. It wasn’t customized specifically for my family, I had a lot of questions that didn’t get answered, and I could have used some non-judgmental support and encouragement while walking through the process! So, I created it for you. I went to work and got certified as a Sleep Training Consultant and a Postpartum Doula, so that I could create a space for moms to get complete support as they walk through sleep training their babies in a way that feels good for them. Inside this podcast, you will find sleep training solutions and tips for children aged newborn-6 years old, encouragement and community (you are not alone!!), tips on how to bring routines and predictability to your home, and how to feel a sense of joy and peace in motherhood again. So go reheat your coffee- I’m sure for the 10th time today ;) - and listen up, mama! Because you matter, too! Learn: Contact: Connect: Facebook group:

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
When should my baby start sleeping through the night? Why is that baby sleeping through the night, when mine still isn’t? What am I doing wrong?
Does this sound familiar?
The truth of the matter is…every baby is so different, and they all start sleeping through the night at different stages. We dive into why this is and what you can do about it in this episode!
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
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Podcast episode on the four month sleep regression:

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
One of the most common concerns I hear from moms of babies and young toddlers in daycare is, “how the heck do I get them to sleep at daycare, and how do I get daycare sleep to not ruin their sleep at home?!” Well, let’s answer those questions together in today’s podcast episode!
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Book a free discovery call with me to learn how I can help you start sleeping again:
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Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
This one is for my working mamas- whether you work at home or out of the home, going back to work when your baby isn’t sleeping well yet can be SO hard!!
In today’s episode, we walk through 5 different ways that you can survive that rough transition going back to work when you (and your baby!) are really struggling with sleep.
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Get the FREE sleep guide to conquer your nights (and anxiety!):
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Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Does your baby or toddler wake up between 4am-6am every morning (or most mornings)? Are they not getting enough night time sleep because of these early morning wakes, or should I say, are YOU not getting enough sleep?
Take all the guess work out of it and try the four things I cover in this episode, and you should have your great sleeper back!
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Get the FREE sleep guide to conquer your nights (and anxiety!):
Blog Post on OK to Wake Clock:
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Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Does the thought of traveling with your baby or toddler stress you out because you think their sleep will be ruined? Does it cause you anxiety thinking about their sleep being all out of whack?
Traveling with your kiddos is such an amazing opportunity to create memories- but it doesn’t come without it’s set of challenges, especially when it comes to sleep. Rather than missing out on the vacation, use the tips we talk about in this episode to maintain your good sleeper throughout the vacation (as much as possible at least!)
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
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SlumberPod Link:
Use code ‘mama.matters.too’ for a discount!

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Is it hard for you to add your faith into your day to day life as a mom, and your already busy schedule? Do you crave more time with the Lord, but it feels like something you have to cross off your to do list every single day, instead of something you get to do?
In today's episode, we talk about 6 practical ways you can incorporate your faith into your daily motherhood, in a way that doesn't feel like a chore and will only bring you closer to Him in your day to day life.
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Get the FREE sleep guide to conquer your nights (and anxiety!):
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Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
The four month sleep regression can hit you like a freight train, and leave you beyond exhausted! And, if you're anything like can make your baby's sleep go from BAD to WORSE!
In today's episode, I talk you through some ways you can prepare for and avoid lasting affects from the four month sleep regression, along with some tips for what to do if you're already in it.
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Book a free discovery call with me to learn how I can help you find rest again:
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Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Are you feeling anxious as a new (or seasoned) mama? Is motherhood nothing like you imagined it?
As a mom who deals with anxiety myself, I know first hand what that can look like, and how the Lord can bring rest and peace into a really hard season. So, I wanted to bring some of His truths into your motherhood today, sister.
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Get the FREE sleep guide to conquer your nights (and anxiety!):
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Does your baby or toddler, for lack of a better word, take crappy naps?! While this is SO normal and common, it is also so frustrating!
Naps are not only a super important part of your baby or toddler's daily sleep needs and development, they are also a time for you to not be needed for a bit, and get a little bit of a break- which is so important!
Join me in today's episode where we talk about 5 tips you can start implementing right away to get your baby or toddler taking better naps!
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
Grab my newborn guide for half off using code ‘50OFF’:
Get the FREE sleep guide to conquer your nights (and anxiety!):
Wake windows blog:
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Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
To the Christian mom with anxiety:
You’ve been told to pray harder. You’ve been told there’s nothing to be afraid of as long as you believe in Him and live a life full of faith.
God tells us in Philippians 4:6-7: “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
There is absolutely truth and comfort there, But what happens when that doesn't automatically cure us? Does that mean we are sinning?
We live in broken bodies that inevitably fail us, and we live in a broken world that adds to all of the worry. There are also many women who live with a chemical imbalance in their brain, causing or adding to the anxiety.
In this episode, we dive into the ways we can break free from those thoughts that hold us captive, and replace our anxious thoughts with truths from above.
I pray this brings you rest, and remember…you matter too, mama!
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